
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  A Chinese Proverb


Mike and I met at Cal State Fullerton, California 1992 but we didn’t start dating until 1994 and married in July 1996. We worked with children since the beginning. We both became teachers and have been on a quest of inquiry. We question everything and ponder about many things in life. After 9/11 we began our research and Faith came in around 2009, therefore, I believe our lives drastically changed in 2013.

Mike and I enjoy trying out new things and began our bucket list since we dated. We also tasted almost all ethnic foods and we weren’t afraid of doing it. Mike auditioned for the show Survivor and we came close to attempting The Amazing Race together. We also loved our favorite show Seinfeld every Thursday Night snacking with Cheetos dipped in Valentina sauce and lemon. We both love to travel, interact with people of all classes and ethnic backgrounds, and we love our family and friends very much. This is why it was so difficult leaving to Kauai, but we followed The Call.


Being parents to our three wonderful children has been an adventure as well. A few little memoirs I can share: We used to take our babies to the movies with us and they were very well behaved since I nursed them (We Love the movies); I would dance when they were in my belly and jogged up to the point where I couldn’t anymore and we also took them hiking and traveling everywhere since they were babies (even to the jungles of Mexico); Michael was 3 years old when he zip-lined by himself in Puerto Vallarta; They carried their own backpacks on a 12 mile hike to Havasupai, Az in 2011. I think this prepared them mentally without knowing the biggest adventure/challenge of all: our journey to know our identity as Israel.

As they are getting to be young adults, they are learning how to compromise because they have their own identity and each one is very different. But as a family we know our Identity is in Israel (this I will share in future posts). We didn’t hand things out to them so easily and wanted them to know the value of working with their hands and being grateful for what they have. Mike and I are happy that they all know how to cook and we are now enjoying their creative, nutritious, and delicious meals. What we invested in them has now taken fruit. Parenting is never perfect and can be challenging at times and Mike and I have learned from our own mistakes, but it is part of our maturing. Finally, I love to see how each of my children are now becoming young adults with their own ideas, dreams, personalities and capabilities. We keep praying they continue to work hard, persevere, help others and most importantly, grow in their faith. Selah*

And in case you are wondering, Mike and I love ethnic studies. Mike is Eurasian: 1/2 Okinawan & 1/2 Austrian; I am Mexican: 1/2 Spanish & 1/2 Indigenous (most likely from Aztec/Cahuilla/Navajo which I’m still following my research). This makes our children: Eurasian/Mexican…..many tribes here!


My name is Maricela but many know me as Marcy since I am named after my mom. I’m a teacher, reader, researcher, mother of 3, wife, child of the Most High, sister to Y’shua (Jesus) and a novice entrepreneur. I would call myself creative, adventurous, disciplined, courageously strong, loving & kind. I love to have fun like many of us, through venturing out and experiencing life with other people along with my immediate family. I believe in Freedom with refinement through daily reflection using the standards of our Creator YHVH (God), His Torah.

I love people and those who know me, have seen that I will put my Faith first, then my husband, children, family, friends, work in that protocol order. I have worn many hats throughout my years and I have learned to balance my life to the best of my ability.
2013 was the beginning of a HUGE personal transformation. My family and I were lead to leave our beautiful life in Fullerton, Ca. to follow the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit in Hebrew) to the little island of Kauai, Hawaii. We lived there for four years until we got the call back to return to California in June 2019. Today, I have another calling which is to reach many people and be an encouragement, motivator, and a prayer warrior for you. I am beginning this blog, to share our personal testimonies (we used to call “coincidences”) and to share the experiences with Creative and Inspiring people who have become or are going to become entrepreneurs and are grateful to our Creator (YaHoVaH). Your city or business may be the next person I visit and include in this Blog. I look forward to those divine appointments.
Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy the experience. Shalom*


Shalom Shalom!
My name is Michael Tittnich and I am 52 years old. I am a father of three wonderful children (Emily, Sofia, and Michael) and the husband of my beautiful wife Maricela. We have been on an incredible spiritual journey the last 6.5 years that has taken us to many foreign lands and living on Kauai, HI for four years.
My hobbies include cooking/eating,hiking/biking, golf, tennis and going on divine adventures following the Ruach Ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit). I also blow a kudu horn shofar from Israel at high places everywhere we are sent. I look forward to sharing our family adventures with you all. Todah (Thank You)!

Emily...Child #1

Alohaaa! My name is Emily Tittnich, aka, “Emmy.” I am 21 years old and just finished my second year of college at the University of Hawaii, at Manoa. I decided to move back home to Southern California to be closer to my loved ones while continuing my studies in Travel Industry Management/ Hospitality. I was living in the state of Hawaii for the past 5 years and fell in love with surfing, the ocean, and photography. I love to cook, bake, and be active out in the sunshine. I wish to finish my collegiate endeavors, Abba willing, and hopefully own a coffee shop or café one day. I also would love to have my own hotel or a bed and breakfast. I love to be by the ocean, so working with a view of it would definitely be a plus!

Sofia...Child #2

Hi my name is Sofia Tittnich and I am 17 years old. I am currently a Senior in High School. I am also involved in sports, such as water polo and I am on the swim team. On Kauai, I was part of the Paddling Team for two years as the steersman, I sure LOVED it! After I graduate, I’d like to part of the Rowing Team in college and I want to study in veterinary medicine because I’ve always loved animals and had a connection with them. My goal is to look into the best school that will offer me to be a great veterinarian. It will be a long process but with the guidance of our Heavenly Father, I am up for the challenge! Domo Arigato **

Michael...Child #3

My name is Michael Tittnich and I am 14 years old. Currently, I am a sophomore in high school. In the future, my dream is to become an Editor/Film Maker/Producer in the Film Industry. However, I’ve also been playing soccer for about 7 years; it is something I am very passionate about as well and I am still playing to this day. I would love to play D1 at a college or possibly go pro. ALL PRAYERS TO YAH!  Some of my other hobbies include cooking,gardening, and surfing. Muchas Gracias!