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Drink Offering….A Restoration of Honor?

Coming from humble beginnings, I experienced this honor amongst my family here in the United States and my visits to Mexico: Mexico City, Tijuana, Mexicali, and San Bartolome de Hueyapan the town where my grandparents came from near Puebla. One thing I observed as a little girl, was the food and drink offering. Today, I understand it to be Honorable. Honor is of High Esteem and Respect. My family makes their food from scratch with recipes passed down from colonial times of Aztec lineage. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate were always served and they would finish the meal with a sip of tequila or pulque. What I remembered most is the eye to eye contact, the detail of love put into the meals and drinks and “talk story” as Hawaiians say of story time.

Our Mothers, if believers of our Creator, carry the Holy Spirit and the Spirit is feminine in nature. They are passing down those recipes to their sons and daughters. This is what is special and distinct from the fast food items served today. Our Fathers on both sides, Samuel Tittnich and Ray Barrera also served delicious meals and food to their families and guests, let’s not forget them. But I would like to concentrate on Moms since I am one now. My job is to pass those 500 year old recipes to my children and they learn them well, both Mexican & Japanese Cuisine. Mike is passing down the Okinawan recipes to our children. Our children are great cooks and we are impressed they are now developing their own style too.

Mike and I are also very grateful to all our family, friends, and Mishpocah who have invited us into their homes and made special meals for us along with special drinks. We remember it all! Right now, I am missing my Tio Nava very much because I remember his special birria, nieves; Tio Jorge & Tia Olga Salas who always served me my favorite consome de chivo and mixiotes; homemade tortillas with queso by Mi Tio Chino; Birria by Mi Tio Juan; Tortillas by Tio Jorge; polvorones by Tia Francisca; Moles by Tia Mode, Tia Cleme, Tia Elodia; conchitas rellenas by Tia Gude; y guaraches by Juan Gasca from Tio Manuel; special salsas and nopal tortillas by Pascual; my favorite caldo and ceviche by my dad; he also makes the best chicken caldo. Many many many more Tios and Tias, along with friends to mention; this would require a whole book to write about. But the honor and esteem go to our Mothers because there is something so special when they serve us meals, the eye contact, the love, the time………the teas by Mama San. Mama San’s fried rice and pickled veggies are the best, Okinawan style. My Grandma’s beans, soups, tamales made with corn oil and not lard, cacti recipes, pipians, sooooo many recipes that both my sisters and I have acquired and now our children too, including my two young nephews who are already learning to cook, Ryan age 6 and Evret age 3. My mom…..ooof love her breaded chicken, fish, stews, and all her juicing combinations. We have a plethora of fine recipes made with LOVE.

But what is happening today? 2020 is a great time to gain perspective, reflect, and put those cell phones aside that have robbed our time taking away Honor in our homes, granted, we have dealt with this ourselves, definitely a spiritual warfare. We are to take authority over it and claim the territory in our own homes and bring back the ways of the Ancient Paths.


12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which Abba YAHua (Lord ) your Elohim (God) is giving you.

EXODUS 20:12

We have been looking into the Covenants of our Father. Today let’s look at one of the commandments, #5 which speaks about Honor. There is hope in future generations when we restore this again. Imagine a world where children once again respect their parents which will lead to the respect of elders and men/women in authority? Would riots diminish? Would marriages last? Would society be at each others throats? We need to break the generational curses and it is our generation that will do this. Mike and I are holding onto the hem of Y’shua’s garment and we are not alone. There are others before us that have been paving the path for Issachar to rise and bring in this change. I will name a few that have had a great impact on the Restoration of Honor. I will begin with Perry Gerhart:

We met Perry at our home in Fullerton for Passover (April) 2015. It was our first time hosting Passover and we were surrounded by believers who knew what they were doing. Perry was lead by The Holy Spirit from the Yukon to arrive in our home. You know, these past 5 years Mike and I always thought that he was invited by a person we knew and we just found out last week by Perry, that it was not so. We were in awe to hear the silver trumpets being blown in our home. Prayers went up for our neighbors, families and friends in the city of Fullerton. TWO SILVER TRUMPETS WERE BLOWN IN OUR HOME! Do you know what that means? I will explain in detail on a future post.

Two months later a couple was invited to our home: Joseph and Laralyn Riverwind. They brought a huge native drum for their service. Major drumming was happening and we didn’t know what was going on but it was powerful. Then Joseph needed to speak to the owners of the house. That was us! He had a word for us; he prophesied that we were going to leave to another land to face giants and that we are to go with strength and courage. He quoted Joshua 1:6-9.

No one in our fellowship knew we were leaving, it was that day that we were going to tell the people we fell in love within 5 months of only meeting them. We told them that we were going to leave in 3 weeks to Kauai. Our Mishpocah (Hebrew families) were in tears, we were sobbing. Nervous of the unknown but The Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) had already let us know. Joseph then told us that he gave us old news. We said absolutely NOT! He confirmed our assignment. In fact, our home faced Sleepy Giant on Kauai. Laralyn then spoke to us about Honor and Proper Protocol. We were to meet the chief in charge and present him with a gift of Honor. We met with the Mayor of Kauai, Mr. Bernard Carvalho. We met him the 2nd day we arrived on the island and he opened the door for us to share our testimony. The Riverwinds were right on point. More on the Riverwinds:

Perry arrived on our island. His mission is to blow the trumpets on all 50 states in the US. Hawaii was his last state and he accomplished it in March 2016. One of the assignments for us was to get on that island and for HIS son Perry to get there to finish what he had to do. The night he arrived, rain and thunder/lightning came down after he blew the trumpets. All who saw this were in amazement of what they witnessed. You see, we had not had any rain for two weeks which is rare for Kauai since it rains almost every other day; we had a dry spell. The moment he finished blowing, instantly thunder and lightning came. Rain came! This time he stayed with us 9 days. What a joy it was to have a brother on the island; the following month, 8 ladies arrived for Passover 2016.

Japanese Tea Ceremony

We were supposed to take Sofia to Greece for her 15th bday, but after our experience with a Japanese Tea Ceremony on Kauai in May 2018, she wanted to go to Japan and Okinawa where she has some roots as well. Sofia loved the ceremony, she felt the honor and esteem there. So much respect was given by the ladies who hosted the event. The flutist played Halleluyah the song that Abba awakened me with. There is something very special about this drink offering. There are many verses in scripture in both Old and Renewed Testament where drink offerings are mentioned. I will share one:

14 So Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He talked with him, a pillar of stone; and he poured a drink offering on it, and he poured oil on it.

Genesis 35:14


Fast forward two years to January 2020; we received word that a Restoration of Honor Gathering/Conference was going to be held in Thermal, Ca. We were lead by The Ruach HA Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to move to La Quinta in The Coachella Valley in Sept. 2019. The conference was going to be only 15 minutes from where we live and we heard the Riverwinds were going to be there; and we were so excited. And you know who else was going to be there? The people we met, fellowshipped, and loved in those 5 months of 2015 before we moved to Kauai. What a gathering. I had also made our address return labels when we moved in our home in November 1st (11-1) as: The Tittnich’s (1st line) Oasis in the Desert….Gathering of Nations (2nd line). Coincidence? I think not, it is The Ruach leading. Mike and I were seeing what Abba was doing. He was gathering His People.

On the weekend of January 10-12th, we united with many Mishpocah we had not seen since 2015, it was a very nice reunion. The conference was held at Torres Martinez Lighthouse Fellowship on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Reservation in Thermal, Ca in The Coachella Valley. It was hosted by Pastors Nick and Cecilia La Vergne and co-hosted by Dr. Suuquina and Qaumaniq. They spoke and taught about Honor and Proper Protocol. What a blessed weekend. The night continued with love, laughter, teachings, songs, and dance amongst very spiritual people who love our Heavenly Father and Yshua or many know HIM as Jesus.

The following week The Riverwinds and Qaumaniq ended up in Whittier on Shabbat sharing and fellowshipping at the lovely home of Lisa Brave Sanchez. Again, Whittier is where I grew up, and Lisa lives in front of Central Park. How befitting, the park that Mike and I spent time at in the early 90s where we worked for Whittier Village Children’s Center before we dated and then married. The park where I took my students when I taught at Hoover Elementary, full circle again. This is all unplanned but orchestrated by The Ruach Ha Kodesh. HE is gathering. A blessed night indeed with our Mishpocah.

Perry brings his wife for us to meet: Emmeline Elizabeth III Wales

A month later in February 2020, Perry gives me a call and says they would be arriving the next day. The last time we had seen Perry was on Kauai in 2016, therefore, we knew something was up in the Spiritual Realm. An unexpected visit and Father Yah had cleared my schedule to welcome them. His son is visiting with his beloved wife. They drove from Pennsylvania. I have a lot to share about our adventures together, but in this post, I will share about Restoration and Drink Offering.

The next day, I noticed the number 321 a lot. Abba Yah had shown me 2 years previous about a countdown, Back to the Future, synchronizing events so I knew I had to pay attention. As I came home, I noticed Perry and Emmeline were laughing and they told me because of our wifi password saying: Happy Whales; now I really had to listen and BE STILL. That evening, I invited Cecilia, whom I met a month before at the conference to welcome Perry and Emmeline. We followed Protocol:

Perry and Emmeline pretty much picked us up and we blew the Shofars all the way at Bohemian Grove, met Maria Merola and her husband Gary in Sacramento, drove in the middle of the night over Lake Tahoe and ended up in Nevada at 4 a.m. Some amazing things happened during the Snow Moon. The following day we trekked our way down to Death Valley and we met with Mike’s sister Cathy. She connected with them spiritually which lead her to a trip to Big Island, Hawaii and she completed an assignment given to her by Perry and Emmeline. Surreal at its finest how all that came together. A book will have to be written in order to describe all the events in detail.

After Death Valley, which we now refer to as Life Valley……again Restoration of Lands and people……we ended up in Joshua Tree and 29 Palms where the silver trumpets were blown, Mike’s hometown. We prayed for all the people he grew up with as we have prayed for all the people I grew up with and we worked with in Whittier. Again, praying for Restoration, Reconciliation, Honor, Respect, and Righteous Alignment with The Ark of His Covenant leading or the Torah written in our hearts and minds, or should I say: Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the one who HONORS the Shabbats and Holy Feasts of our Heavenly Father Abba Yahua. Remember, we are in a time of revelations given of things concealed in the Old Testament; and a time of understanding and obeying the 5th commandment in order for our lands to heal: Honor Thy Father and Mother. And who is our Father? What are His instructions? What do we pass down to our children? Instructions (Torah) to ponder in order to understand His Government and our Messiah Yahushua (Jesus if you have not heard of Y’shua) was/is the Torah in the flesh.

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

6 days passed and before Perry and Emmeline headed back to the east coast, we met with First Nations in order for Perry to receive the blessing to blow the silver trumpets in The Coachella Valley. What an honor and blessing it was to meet The Salgados and Altrena and her son Anthony Ray. To observe and witness what was happening before our eyes about what it is to follow and to respect Protocol among First Nations is BEAUTIFUL. To honor the land and its people.

Furthermore, Emmeline spoke to me about the importance of the drink offering to our guests. She gifted me tea from Whittard, a tea shoppe in front of the Buckingham Palace. When you visit our home, we will serve you this tea. She said that she saw my daughters serving Japanese Tea, their roots and honor to Okinawa and Japan. She did not know about the Tea Ceremony we had on Kauai. It hit my core and I understood what she was telling me. It took me back to my childhood in how my family served tea or coffee and the importance of communicating with our loved ones, to go back to the Ancient of Days. Finally on Passover, my daughters served Matcha Tea with honor. With Emmeline and Perry, we were able to have communion with their cups they brought from Jerusalem and the oil lamp I made on Kauai. This is spiritual in its significance because Hawaii keeps coming up for us. Oil for Kauai. Btw, Perry and Emmeline excavated on Joshua’s alter in Jerusalem with other architects.


The Ruach Ha Kodesh has been showing me August. Six months after Perry and Emmeline headed back east, The Ruach lead us to meet again but this time at the Grand Canyon on Shabbat August 1, 2020 we met with Perry and Emmeline. This time we had a witness with us, Kevin Danson. He was able to see what the silver trumpets bring which are in alignment with Abba’s plumbline and omit Abba Yah’s frequencies. We gathered with Perry and Emmeline a total of 9 days. On another post I will share what brought us together along with other brothers and sisters who blow the shofars. A crowd gathers every time with the blowing of the shofars or the silver trumpets by Perry and people ask questions especially Jews because they get confused. Once we tell them that the Prophecy of Ezekiel 37 is happening, they begin to shake because they too are caused to jealousy by Ephraim keeping Shabbat and The Holy Feasts. They get nervous about the soon to come appearance of Messiah Yahushua. Christians who are not indoctrinated nor religious are the ones who seek this understanding and the crossing over is happening (Hebrew is a verb for crossing over). We are currently seeing this taking place because we are now singing a NEW SONG:

They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying:

“Great and marvelous are Your works,
Yahua Elohim/Lord God Almighty!
Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the [a]saints!

Revelations 15:3

If we sing the song of Moses, what rights did the church have in taking away or changing His Shabbat and His Holy Feasts and gave us “man” holidays that are NOT commanded to keep? NONE!!! They in fact took away our blessings for 1700 years, we only had 1/2 the blessings. Could this be the reason why we lost our lands? First Nations and Indigenous in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Central & South America, Hawaii and the other islands? Could it be because our ancestors did not keep the ways of our Father? We broke commandments #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 with our Heavenly Father many many years ago. In return, we lost our lands, we gained a controlled religion who are in cahoots with the government telling you how to believe, and sickness is abound. ****However, there is a double portion blessing and many are now waking up to this reality in this generation. The Balance of Spirit & Truth (Torah). How blessed are we to find this out and make things right!

Seven days later on another Shabbat, Abba orchestrated another meeting but this time at the south end of The Salton Sea. The Ruach made Cecilia and me run into each other the day before. What a glorious day we had! At The Salton Sea, we ended parking next to a car that had a Narwhal whale hanging in their car. Salvation Mountain did not want us there without the masks. They were rude and loud on their speakers, it sounded like a concentration camp. No honor and no respect was given, only rudeness and commercialization. We walked across the street to a whale billboard that provided us with shade. The next day there was an earthquake in this area, hmmmmmm!

After we left this area, we were expecting a call from Qaumaniq and Dr. Suuqiina. They are respected First Nations elders across The United States. Dr. Suuqinna, is the Grandson of Chief Suuqiina of King Island Alaska and his mother was a full-blood Inuit. Qaumaniq, is of Native American, Scottish, Irish, English, and Jewish/Eastern European descent. We first heard of their studies in 2016 when we were on Kauai and we met them for the first time this January at the Restoration of Honor Conference in Coachella. Joseph Riverwind had shared with us that they had moved from Alaska to La Quinta a year before we did. Now how about that? What is going on in this valley? For more information on their beautiful journey:

Emmeline lent me a book to read when they first came here in February and I read it and I saw whale in the book that Dr. Suuqinna wrote called Two Winters. It was on page 123. You know what I saw? 321 from right to left: a countdown. Remember I said earlier I had to BE Still and Listen? There were questions I had for Dr. Suuqinna on that 3:00 p.m. call. But he said that “IT” has not appeared in Alaska yet. There is a prophecy that The Inuit are watching out for.


Perry and Emmeline have a final destination of 3800 miles up north. Emmeline and I are Shin sisters. We both have the scars to prove that and on the same shin, same leg. The letter Shin has some deep meanings in the Hebrew, and that will be for a future blog post. She understands me with love and without any judgment yet she challenges me to look at things with another lens. I seem to understand her as well even when she is stepping higher on Jacob’s Ladder. She loves our children because she has the heart of a child and a brain that I call a colorful kaleidoscope. Our children love her and Perry because they feel their love, honor, and esteem; Perry and Mike have become close brothers. Perry has such a love and dedication to our Heavenly Father and is very close to HIM and obedient. He has also visited us in our three homes in our journey: Fullerton, Kauai, and La Quinta.

Mike and I see the high anointing and calling that is both challenging yet beautiful and how highly favored Perry and Emmeline are. Dr. Suuqinna and Qaumaniq and The Riverwinds are the FORERUNNERS. Do you think many of us have awakened the past 5-7 years due to their prayers? We think so. These three couples carry the double portion blessing: Balancing Spirit and Truth of both the Old Testament and Renewed Testament. A deep relationship with Abba Yahua and Yahushua. They are fearless, have a great sense of humor, they are strong and courageous and very loving, they walk in humility and in the authority given to them by Y’shua. Listen to First Nations when they drum, you will hear YAH. There is one person we still need to meet that has been part of the journey for many and that is Jim Staley and his family. Look up Identity Crisis on youtube. Time is of the essence, do not miss the boat like many did 2000 years ago.

In this blog, I shared a testimony that involved these three couples who have been called to restore Honor along with others. It was the Holy Spirit that gathered us all and is teaching us:

27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you [a]will abide in Him. 1John 2:27

Full Circle: Restoration of the 5th commandment is to bring in a perfect government of our Father here on earth. Honoring Commandments 1-4 will cross you over to keep Shabbat and His Holy Feasts. Let us respect and honor our Heavenly Father first then righteous alignment will begin to take shape first in our homes then it will spread everywhere! It is time to perform that drink offering and make things right according to HIS way for us because HE loves us and that is why HE sent His Son Yahushua as stated in Matthew 15:24 …

24 But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

To get us back into covenenat with Abba Yahua. Two Houses becoming ONE: Ephraim and Judah, ONE TREE…..ISRAEL.

Love to all, Shalom!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Cecilia LaVergne

    Marcella, thank you, lovely woman of God, a loving, faithful servant of Yah, for sharing this beautiful journey with us. And it continues…..

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Thank you for your kind words Cecilia. I am amazed how Abba has put all of us together, He gathered us like a Hen gathers her chicks. Truly amazed for what is in store for the future. Love, respect, and honor to you. 🙂

  2. Cheri

    Oh Marcella, I loved reading what you have shared. Truly favored. ❤️💕❤️ Love you, your family and these very beautiful couples.

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Thank you Cheri for your response, your words are a delight to read. It is incredible how Abba is gathering all of us, how we were together in January. More is coming. We are excited for the changes that are approaching us all. Much love to you and the family. I tagged Brian to the Shofar post on FB because he and Ezra are in there as well. Love and Hugs to you all.

  3. Kevin

    Such an awesome and wonderful story you shared Marcy! Beautiful! What a grand adventure! I’m filled with joy to have been and continue to be part of it with you! Praises be Abba Father in the name of Yahushua and via the Ruach Ha Kodesh!

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Hi Kevin, He keeps amazing us right brother? Mike and I are happy that you were there to witness all that happened at the Grand Canyon. Everything that we have encountered since Kauai is mind blowing and we are overjoyed that we are in this together.

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