A year earlier in March 2019, we kept getting flamingoes everywhere from postcards, t-shirts, stickers, toys, etc. Low and behold, it was The Coachella Valley we were headed to. This picture was taken at the Marriott in Palm Desert, the same place Mike took me to one of our first dates in 1994. FULL CIRCLE!
Hello Lovely Nations! We are the Tittnich Family and we grew up, worked, and lived in California most of our lives until we got a spiritual calling to move to Kauai, Hawaii. We lived there for four years from July 2015 to June 2019, (3 years and 11 months to be exact). We were on a mission and our focus was to find the direction that our Creator YHWH (many know Him as God) was leading us to. We thought we were going to stay on Kauai to retire, but we were goaded again to return back to our families in California. On other pages of this website, I will blog short testimonies of some of our adventures.
We arrived to the Coachella Valley in the city of La Quinta in September 2019. My husband was hired as the Dean at a local high school while my children adapted well to their new school, and our oldest daughter stayed on Oahu to finish her collegiate studies. I on the other hand, was deciding which career direction to take. I had taught for 22 years and I was substituting while figuring out exactly what it was I wanted to do as our goals and dreams changed. Then Covid-19 happened and everything changed once more. This helped our focus to be more clear and the website idea emerged; it began to take shape with baby steps and it will lead us into future projects. The plumb line has opened and all these ideas have been pouring out. You will be reading more about our future endeavors soon.
During Covid-19, my husband continued to work, two of my children finished their high school courses online, and our eldest returned home finalizing her studies in California. I then decided to become an Independent Consultant for the company Arbonne while I completed a 30-day cleanse in May 2020 with their products. Arbonne’s focus is healthy living to improve the mind, body, and skin. I jumped on board to become an entrepreneur! Some of you may know when we cleanse our body of toxins, we think clearer, and it is here when the light bulb went on for me and I decided to launch our website in July of 2020. We will also meet many people and visit landmarks in the Southwest and foreign lands. We are being spiritually lead to share our testimonies along with the stories of others who are beginning a new journey of their own. We just may be visiting you too! You will see how Abba Yah is in ALL of it including the encounters we have had on our travels, our friends, and families.
Please enjoy our website which will include the power within that encompasses: Body, Mind, Spirit. Remember that YOU ARE a Sign and Wonder!
Maricela (Marcy, Marita) ***
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says YaHuWaH (The Lord), thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me (YaHuWah) and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13