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6th Street, Coachella

It happened recently that I craved a coffee so I looked at my google maps to see where the nearest coffee shop was located. I like the little mom and pops coffee shops and was lead to 6th street in Coachella. At first, I wanted it to be in Indio to be closer to La Quinta because my tires were going to get changed. Well, once I looked at the pictures, it piqued my curiosity and I decided to go 11 miles the other way.

Lo and behold, I was happy I went there. I was like a child going into that neighborhood. I saw history and progress at the same time. I parked around the square in front of City Hall next to a Veteran’s Memorial Park. There are plaques, murals, and beautiful date palms decorating the area so peacefully. The newly built library reminded me of being in Ojai, and the town gave me the feeling of Hanapepe, HI but for Latinos instead of Hawaiians. Nonetheless it was all culturally inclined with the feeling of warmth and friendliness. Next to the library is the 6th Street Coffee Shop, which is quaint and modern. I was so excited to see one of these coffee shops in this cute/post-modern town.

You know what was the icing on the cake for me? The Panaderia and Taqueria de Birria with barbacoa tacos. WHAT???? I felt that I hit gold! The Panaderia or Mexican bread, had a plethora of pan dulce (sweet bread). The baker was so kind to show me which ones were made with vegetable oil; I did share with him that we do not eat lard (pork fat) and they have bread made with vegetable oil! She shoots, she SCORES!!! Furthermore, the taco restaurant across the way had many red umbrellas decorating the front sidewalk. Mike met me for lunch and we both talked in the picturesque plaza and the small town feel of 6th Street Coachella was nostalgic.

I loved looking at the date palms, cultural murals, and the children running around. So pleasant to see many people on bikes. I felt like I stepped back in time to the 80s…..small town feel and friendly faces. I can’t wait to see this neighborhood continue to flourish. I can already can see the new elementary school taking root along with thriving local businesses. The school is going to be remarkable, to say the least. I also see future multi-cultural restaurants opening up. How exciting to see this town growing into a prosperous locale with a quaint feel. It only took us one year to learn about this street and it all happened by accident. It was all meant to be and it is on His timing not ours; always perfect! The more gems we find here, the more I’m falling in love with The Coachella Valley!

Emily came to visit and we headed to 6th Street, she is the one who got us into coffee 3 years ago. Emily is a connoisseur of coffee and their shoppes. The three of us had a pleasant morning together. We sit and talk story, speak of our dreams under His Kingdom, and pray for specific things that our world needs. I love my daughters.

Last but not least: 666. Don’t let this number scare you. There is duality in ALL things. Let me help you turn the tables right side up. You see 6 in Hebrew is a VAV and it means man. Therefore, the PERFECT and the not so perfect SONS of Abba Yahua whom HE loves are…..



6=Y’shua, with His brothers and sisters coming to clean up the land, His Remnant. (Isaiah 13; Rev 14).

6th Street Coachella, not too shabby, just right.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Michael Tittnich

    What?! This is such a nice little town….and your writing and they way you describe what you felt while visiting is so awesome❤️

  2. Jen D

    Love it! Looking forward to a visit!

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Come soon so we can go together.

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