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A Brand New Life for the Driftwood

On Kauai, they have a lot of rain from frequent storms, and countless numbers of driftwood gets washed down their rivers leaving a massive amount of them on its shores. What to do with those pieces? This reminds me when life is going well, like on a bright sunny day, but then a storm approaches so heavily that it takes you by surprise. It is like our life took a toll in 2014-15; During those 4 years on Kauai, we learned to roll with the punches, or go with the storm to learn to walk on water thereafter. We were in shock when we arrived on Kauai. We followed the path that Abba YAHUA had for us. We did not have a clue as to where we were going to live or work and our belongings were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean due to arrive 2 weeks after we did. We had no home or job yet either. However, we kept hearing to trust in HIM and the assignment that HE laid before us. We went on Faith, and Faith alone. We were like that driftwood being sent down a river blindly and rapidly then we landed on the shores of Kauai.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall [a]direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

There is a project that I gave my students on Kauai in my Art class called the Driftwood Project after I was inspired by a homeless man named Michael. It all started when he crossed our path in the summer of 2017 on one of the First Nights Kapaa where there is music, farmer’s markets, jewelry stands, and delicious food. Out of nowhere, we saw this man and he didn’t look like he belonged there. He looked middle eastern and he was holding this beautiful art piece of a whale made with driftwood. He said he got the wood and created a whole new piece. It was beautiful! He wanted to give it to me without charge. I asked for his name and when can we see him again but we never did. Who was he? I am asking because whales have come up a lot in our lives especially this year. If you read my blog on Tea….Restoration of Honor, you will see more whales there. My sister Monica had a dream two years ago about swimming with one and I received a dream last month that I went into the deep ocean to meet one. I saw that whale from the ship’s mast and I was whirled into the deep like a swing and feeling like a small child filled with so much glee. Once I reached the whale, I saw its big, intelligent eye. I will speak about that EYE on another post.

The Whale and Folklore
The whale is a central power animal recognized in many Native American folklore traditions that is honored and respected, especially among Native American tribes on the Pacific Coast. As a compassionate, solitary creature, the whale is closely associated with wisdom and awareness of the spiritual realm.

You can read more about whales and what they mean spiritually at:

Many believers will not understand the spiritual realm concerning animals, but it is real and Abba YAHUA is present everywhere in everything. Pay attention, HE may be trying to communicate with you, even with ants. Part of our trip to Kauai, was to BE STILL AND PRESENT in HIM; to listen and pay attention to our surroundings. We were able to hone into that inner voice and observe the Life that was around us. Native Americans had/have this gift and it is resurfacing again for many. Abba is communicating with us and it is beautiful. We may go through valleys, mountains, and wild rivers of life, but HE has a plan for each of us Jer 29:11. Life can be difficult at times where we may feel like being tossed back and forth as driftwood in wild rapids.

Along with the Driftwood project, I would read to my students a book called: Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph. There is a page in the first chapters where I remember saying that we are to be like water going around rocks. The rocks here are the obstacles in life, and water represents Living Waters or the HOLY SPIRIT. Living Waters is our Father YAHUA. Let us put our eyes upon HIM and trust HE will renew us.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
31 But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31-31

If we are like driftwood, then let’s flow in the Living Waters and once we come across those rocks, let us go around them to reach our destination. Once we reach it, then let us get renewed, refreshed, reset and become One New Man in HIM EZK 37. Please take a look at a few examples of the Renewed Driftwood Projects from some of my former students. Enjoy and Shalom!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Michael Tittnich

    such a creative idea🐋

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