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Exhausted, But Finishing the Race

My whole life I either danced or did some type of physical activity to keep up my fitness level. Especially between the years of 2005-2013, I would wake up at 3:30 a.m., 3-5 times a week to swim, bike, run, or hit the gym without missing a beat. Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) was there in the midst too until The Ruach told me that every single move is toward a Hindu god. That stopped quickly so today I do YAHgo. These are stretches as I Honor, reflect, and pray to Abba Yah instead of myself or my ego. There will be more on that for another blog. Right now I am going to share about that RUN that I finished: a Half-Marathon or 13.1 miles in September 2018 thanks to my friend Jody.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

After moving to Kauai, I focused my attention to my spiritual side. I do this a lot, whatever has my attention, has my FULL attention. Abba had a lot to teach me. Well my health deteriorated because I put myself aside. I only walked and my endurance and strength decreased; I felt it in my stamina and muscles. I ached and felt weak. Three years later, my friend Jody encouraged me to do the Kauai 1/2 Marathon with her. I was surprised because I was OUT OF SHAPE, but I was willing to run with her. This was her first race as well. I agreed to do it but I did not know that I only had less than two weeks to train. I was a little concerned because I was not prepared at all. Then it rained during those two weeks of training or it was too hot, so I went to the YMCA to train. I was building up my stamina each day on the treadmill, but I was in pain and felt out of shape.

This is very similar to the spiritual race I was encountering when we just arrived to Kauai. I was in pain spiritually as well. Being new to this journey at the time, it was detrimental to see how many of our loved ones on the mainland did not want to communicate with us anymore because we followed God’s Call and we had a different outlook than they did (hmmmm, religious? YES they absolutely were. These are the Jericho walls that need to come down) and all we wanted to do was to share and fellowship with others on what the Father was revealing to us about traditional church teachings.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [c]Because narrow is the gate and [d]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

It was especially painful from July 2015-April 2017. Things lead to illness in March 2016 and hospitalization in March 2017 where I could have died, but Abba took care of me and blood/iron transfusions helped me along with prayer. Abba was showing me that I was building up my spiritual maturity as well and that I was mirroring it in the physical; feeling every dagger in my body from all the words that penetrated my soul so much they wounded me. At times I wanted to give up the path we were on. Abba is merciful because HE would send in reinforcements like my husband and children, mom & sister, or other forerunners (brothers/sisters in faith) to encourage, edify, and support me. Even though I was in pain, I would still go to work and be there for others if they needed encouragement; all of this I later understood were tests in order to be ready like a warrior or a soldier in Recon. There are levels and ranks in the Spiritual Realm that we climb on Jacob’s Ladder.

Furthermore, running helped me meditate on all of this and I was given meat (deep meaning/revelation) to chew on while I was training or while running the 13.1 mile marathon to fully understand how to finally let go and face adversity with strength, courage, and stamina. It was also preparing me for the future with something that I had to endure again, a dark time in my life. Now I understand it as an exercise to pass another future test. This time, I was going to be ready……

holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Maschiach Yahushua /Jesus I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.

Philippians 2:16

“Come on Chica!” Jody would encourage me with those words each time! My dear Filipino friend. Boy, is she funny! And she was not afraid of me either. She in fact asked me many questions regarding our walk of faith. She was even hilarious about it and we shared dreams together. I was her son’s teacher and our sons played soccer together for 3 years. Jody and her family even invited us to their cabin in the mountains of Waimea for the weekend just before our return to the Mainland. They are one of the Hawaiian families we miss very much. They poured out their love to us. Her husband Dustin, my goodness, one of the best craftsmen we have ever met. He is an artist to the detail especially on their home which they built with their own hands, shows their skill and precision. Props to you guys!! Well, Jody is also the one that helped me accomplish a goal: RUN FOREST RUN!!!! She was the catalyst who helped me start up my Fitness Lifestyle again. I missed it very much because my whole attention and devotion was to the obedience and reverence to Abba Yahua to the point I forgot about MY health. Jody was my Angel on earth and I received confirmation after confirmation about what she kept telling me. She reminded me to not only Balance Spirit and Truth on my spiritual side, but to remember to balance my health as well. She said balance it especially with music. Jody loves music!!! We danced and laughed together, we listened to 80s music together all the time and we could just be ourselves with each other. I was not afraid of her nor was she of me, we met right in the middle even though our faiths were different, The Midway Point.

Start of the race……

We got prepared around 4:30 a.m. and drove to Poipu. We bumped into several people we knew such as Mayor Carvalho, Future Mayor Derek Kawakami, Kelson Sumida, and Kristen Valenti, amongst many others. It was exciting nonetheless, especially when Hawaiians came with their regalia and Tiki Torches, music in the background.

3,2,1, and the gun went off……my goodness the first mile went great but going up on a small grade incline towards Mile 2 was actually difficult. How was I going to accomplish the rest of the 11 miles? I was in trouble at the time. Mike, Michael, and Sofia met us on mile 3 and gave Jody and I some citrus energy drink that gave us a boost. We continued on to mile 4 through 7 on a steep incline and we did pretty good as we ran those 3 miles non- stop. I kept telling Jody to keep going, but she would not leave my side, what a friend.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

This parallels with the Spiritual Side. We see those that are in this walk on their own is very difficult and we try to be there for our friends as an encouragement and motivators to keep going. I see where I or someone in my family have had major challenges on this walk, but there is someone there to uplift the other one. This is extremely important for those who are wanting to follow that close relationship with our Creator as we need each other to edify one another. These are difficult times and there are many people out there that need a word or two or to just give a listening ear and even a smile. Our assignment on Kauai was to strengthen us. We got trained up in the “wilderness.”

Mile 10….

OH NOOOO! We needed a potty break, after this moment at the outhouses, my muscles felt 20 lbs heavier with excruciating pain. It was difficult to start up again and I felt like I was going to die because it was hot and muggy with pain in my joints. BTW, that KT Tape really works; it helped my right knee a lot. In continuation, we walked at first, then started with a slight jog then Mike met me around Mile 11. He gave us energy drinks, and he ran with me the rest of the way. By the time I arrived to Mile 12, I felt a surge come over me and I increased my speed to finish Mile 13.1. Jody and I ran the race until the end right under 3 hours. You know the moment when Forest just stopped running? Yup, that is how it was for us once we crossed the finish line, we just stopped, faced each other, and gave each other hugs and High Fives! After that my legs went wobbly and I could not get back up after I sat down. That was a great feat for me and I accomplished it! I overcame mental blockages and strongholds as I ran the last miles. When I encountered pain, a lot of it was all mental which I had to overcome. There is this inner will we all have within our soul that keeps us going.

24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may [a]obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize [b]is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

This is the same in the Spiritual Realm. We will have ups and downs and they are hardly ever up all the time because the closer we are to our Creator, the tests keep increasing. Once we can foresee the issue, we are to soar like eagles and look at the bigger picture. Look ahead to finish the race. Whatever pain or problem you are facing, take a hold of it and keep moving, release it to the Father. How can you exercise those spiritual muscles? Praying is the key to slow down, to be silent, TO BE STILL and speak with our Creator and our Messiah. The contrast of the physical is that the spiritual is quiet time and of focus. Listen to that inner voice, He is there amongst you. Balancing the spirit, mind and body, is of the utmost importance for our survival and discernment. Selah*

Let’s run this race because we are all in this together. It is HUGE and of great importance to turn the tables right side up once and for all! Right now where am I in the race? I would estimate Mile 12 to 13.1. In the physical, I hike, jog at times, swim, and walk/hike around 3-5 miles 4-5 times a week while I listen to music or studies and at the same time I pray over The Coachella Valley, Southern Ca., Hawaii, the world. I am stronger than Sept. 2018, not like I was during my 30’s physically, but that will come back in a whole different way, a positive one. In the Spiritual, I am wiser and trying my best to be obedient to Abba Yah; HE trained me up this way. I have a boost of energy right now even after COVID, closures, online school…..I am going to Finish this Race and get to the New Jerusalem with Flying Colors!!!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Emily

    That’s my momma🥺 so proud of you!!!❤️❤️❤️

    1. marcy.tittnich

      I love you mucho.

  2. Michael Tittnich

    Great story mom!!❤️❤️

  3. Michael Tittnich

    Awesome story mom!!❤️

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Thank you Mijo. We are on a spiritual race, crossing over to the Regeneration Era. HalleluYAH.

  4. Mz Dee

    Great inspirational story of endurance. I like how you tied the pain and strength of the race and spiritual life together. I also had my fair share of dark moments and spiritual warfare. I hope and pray we all finish our race.

    1. marcy.tittnich

      Amen, I pray we all finish the race together so we can begin with a New Heaven and a New Earth. Thank you for your comment. Blessings.

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