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Fall Feasts: Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles

It all began on the night of April 2014 after Mike and I had come home from dinner. Remember, those that have been listening to our testimony? The Holy Spirit woke us up from our slumber as believers on November 19, 2013. Or I should say 11-19-13? Do you see 911? Or 119 for Psalm 119? Our children were asleep in the family room at our Fullerton Home. As Mike was putting them to sleep and I am about to turn the TV off, there was a man speaking about Father’s Holy Feasts. I was looking at the channel our children were watching because it is not a channel they would normally sit down to watch. Right when I was going to click OFF, the man pointed at me and said, “YOU! DO NOT turn off the TV!!! Do you know that you are missing the blessings you inherited? Passover is coming up and you need to prepare.” I felt this message was directed at me. I sat down and listened as Mike was showering. I listened and I opened up my bible to see what this man presented. It was all in there, something the churches neglected to teach us and said they were done away with (Feast Days of the Lord). NOT TRUE!

Exodus 12:14
14 ‘So this day shall be to you a
memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an EVERLASTING ORDINANCE.

In 2014 we began our path on our own. Many strong Christian pastors and friends turned their backs to us and DID NOT want to fellowship any longer. Would Y’shua do this? We never closed our door, in fact we wanted to learn and open up our bibles together, but they did not want to. Instead, we were called names on social media, texts, etc…. by people we knew for a very long time. I wonder if they now realize they closed the door to Y’shua? By September 2014, The Holy Spirit did not let us fall asleep. Mike and I had our Bibles opened up from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. reading and HE let us see about His Fall Feasts: Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

Fast Forward February 2015, The Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) lead us to people who were in this walk as well. They kept Sabbath (Abba’s Mark) and Holy Feasts in April 2015, these wonderful people who we called Mishpocah (Family in Hebrew) lead the Passover Feast at our home in Fullerton. What an awesome time we had from evening until the next day because some spent the night. It was glorious! This is the night we met many more people and one of them was Perry; you can read more about him on The Restoration of Honor and 9th of Av in Arizona Blogs, both he and His wife Emmeline. I will blog about this Passover 2015 event during Passover 2021 (Abba willing). Right now I will get into the Fall Feasts because this is the time for them. We were then lead by The Ruach Ha Kodesh to Kauai in July 2015. I have more testimony of how we met Mishpocah on Kauai in the future.

Our Fall Feasts with New Mishpocah on Kauai was also very special. We met with people who we still are connected to this day especially Robert Elmore and Evaleen Daligdig. As I am writing this blog, I received a call from her speaking about Feast of Trumpets and yesterday we spoke with Robert. I remember building that Sukkah by hand at the beach on Kauai with our new Mishpocah. At that moment, we thought we moved to Kauai to stay there, but it was a time for us to let go of bitterness that was building within us towards the christian churches. The veils came off our faces of the hypocrisy in their teachings and that they are not following the ways of our Father, of our neighbor maybe, but not our Father. It took 2 years to let go of bitterness and we forgave those who hurt us very much. There were too many but there were also those who have supported us. Those few, now that we are back in Southern California, are the ones who kept their First Feast of Trumpets here in La Quinta 2020. I cannot forget Kellie McGinn because she was here last year as we were settling into La Quinta. She drove down from 29 Palms to be with us under our Abba Yah. You see, for 6 years we prayed for ALL our family and friends, prayed and prayed, and something happened this year 2020. Abba granted our prayers and we are very humbled by Him because this is for His glory and for all the ones who entered into His Ark of The Covenant. They are now on their journey and wherever they’re at, is where they are supposed to be. The Holy Spirit will work with each of us purging, pruning, and maturing us in our Faith getting us ready for The New Era that is just beginning. We are in a transition period. Denominations was the Church Era, however, we are now entering to the Age of Zion, Sons and Daughters of The Most High…..YAHua. The regeneration talked about in Matthew 19:27-30.

We are still connected with Mishpocah from 2015, and I only have pictures of the Spring Feasts of 2015 with them that I will share in the future. These pictures below are with our Mishpocah on Kauai.

After Feast of Trumpets, we have 10 days of Awe. A time to reflect, repent, restore and begin fresh. We will celebrate Yom Kippur 2020 next Sunday September 27th from sunset to Monday September 28th at sunset. After that we will get ready for Feast of Booths/Tabernacles that will equal 8 days of celebrating. We usually build a Sukkah in our home or we go camping for a few days. I will share a blog about Feast of Tabernacles next week.

How were we going to celebrate Feast of Trumpets 2020 with people we love? There are many people we love. I heard the Ruach, that those who know about the Feasts are to host others and spread His gems. Christian Pastors that are just crossing over to His Feasts are spiritually mature to research and be on their own journey where they are lead to, or host in their own home. But this year, we were to open our doors to those who are ready to receive more “meat” from The Holy Spirit. We put the invitation out there to our own families and friends. The ones who came persevered from their busy schedules, traffic, hunger, fires, and moods. They did it!!! They honored our Abba Yah and His Son Y’shua. If you couldn’t attend and you wanted to, we will have our doors open for the rest of The Fall Feasts, just send us a message. Many are now crossing over to these Feasts and Abba is restoring His people.

I also received in the Spirit: Balloons and Pop for four weeks. It was on my birthday, 9/10 (a day before Y’shua’s bday of 9/11 on the New Moon about 2000 years ago) that I understood as to why. You see, in our culture, we always popped balloons and ate grapes on the gregorian calendar of January 1st. We are now turning the tables right side up and honoring our Father’s Hebraic Calendar and following our Big Brother Judah for Rosh Hashannah, a Civil New Year. We keep The Feast of Trumpets because it is commanded and we love our Father, yet it also aligns with Rosh Hashannah. So we are breathing His breath through His Trumpets, BREATHING!!! BLOWING!!!! It is His Ruach HA Kodesh. Some believers may think this is crazy, but The Ruach speaks and we listen. We balance Spirit and Truth. The Shofar gives out His Frequencies. Conch shells do too.

John 4:24
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Now this is the reason why we are popping balloons to be supported spiritually, this happened to cross my path yesterday:

BALLOON illustration

If we are excessively weighed down with head knowledge, we will be too heavy to be blown by the wind of God.
If we are full of the Spirit only, and have no sound teaching, or doctrine within, we will simply float away.
Doctrine keeps us grounded when we are touched by the Life of the Spirit.
A Buoyant Spirit is achieved by pursuing a balance of Spirit and the Truth.
We may need to pursue one more than the other for a while to reach a place of spiritual health.
For the one bogged down with head knowledge, and needing to grow in the things of the Spirit.


We blew the trumpets and passed out noise makers like small horns. We forgot about the grapes but that’s ok since we will be doing that in the future. We popped balloons and had a delicious meal. We shared that it all converged on the evening of Friday September 18, 2020: Rosh Hashanah (New Year), Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Rosh Kodesh (New Moon) which is the New Moon of all New Moons, Reflection/Repentance (Teshuvah), Y’shua’s Birthday,

After you will read some information by a sister who wrote about these Feasts. Her name is Deborah, and I will also post information from another sister who goes more in depth about them, her name is Kimberly.

By Deborah Bat Yah:

“The Feasts Celebrate the Heavenly Wedding”
The Appointed Times (or the Feast of יהוה) each year are a literal rehearsal of this Divine wedding proclaimed in the heavens (the Mazzaroth). This message and meaning behind the annual feasts is hidden knowledge revealed only to those “invited to the wedding.” Like Sha’ul said, it was not understood by the leaders of Yisra’ěl in the second temple period, or by those who lead us in this age even now.
But we speak the wisdom of Elohim, which was hidden in a secret, and which Elohim ordained before the ages for our esteem, which no one of the rulers of this age knew, for if they had known, they would not have impaled the Master of esteem.

Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 2:7‭-‬8
Yet, we follow these same leaders and their “way of doing things”; and in doing so we err in our responsibility to rehearse them properly as His Bride!
We have missed the most basic understanding of the Feasts, and we all have become ritualistic in our adherence to these appointed days. We have missed the point and meaning of these rehearsals as we just go through the motions; we are not really rehearsing the events of the wedding the Feast Cycle was given to proclaim!
The Physical Shadow of Greater Truths
Hebrew weddings were pre-arranged marriages. They consisted of
🤴👸 the Father choosing a qualified Bride/Groom
🤴👸 the Groom paying the dowry or “ransom” for the Bride
🤴👸 the Groom introducing himself to her father
👸🤴 the Bride presenting herself to the Bridegroom
🤴 the Bridegroom going away to prepare a place for her in his father’s estate

🤴👸 the Bridegroom returning for his Bride
🤴👸 the Wedding
🤴👸🍽️ the Wedding banquet
Remember, in Tehillim/Psalms 19, David described the Mazzaroth in great detail. He said the Sun was a shadow picture of the Messiah as the Bridegroom ran the course of a wedding. With this in mind, let me show how perfectly the Feasts Cycle or Appointed Times of יהוה reflect the physical marriage process of a Hebrew wedding. As foretold in the stars, the Bridegroom running his course.
Keeping in mind that a marriage between a man and a woman is a physical to spiritual parallel that should help us understand our roles as the Bride in the Spring and Fall Feasts:
* The Father choosing a qualified Groom – this is reflected in יהוה’s choice of the Messiah הושע as proclaimed from the foundation of the world in The Heavenly Scroll and through the prophets who all read The Heavenly Scroll.
* The Rehearsal Dinner – the Chagigah meal on the 14th of Abib is a “remembrance meal”. This is when we discuss the upcoming wedding rehearsal and what each day represents. This is called “The Last Supper” in our Hellenized English Bibles. We see יהושע teach the meaning of the upcoming Passover, and that it is to be celebrated each year “in remembrance/Chagigah of him” (1 Corinthians 11:24 and Luke 22:19).

* The Groom paying the dowry or “ransom” for the Bride – this is a shadow of Passover; as יהושע “paid the debt to the Father of the Bride” and redeemed us from our prior lives into a new life in covenant with יהוה through יהושע. He paid the dowry, or ransom, owed to our Father –
Matthew 20:28
“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served (as Conquering King/Fall Feasts), but to serve (as Mediating High Priest/Spring Feasts), and to give his life as a ransom (to redeem his bride) for many.”
* The Groom introducing himself to the Father of the Bride – Feast of First fruits.
Yochanan 20:17
“Yיהושע said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.”
*The 50 Day Count to Shav’uot is the courtship*
* The Bride presenting herself to the Bridegroom and agreeing to the marriage vows – Shav’uot. On Shav’uot we are to follow the example set by יהושע during Passover. We are to Mikvah ourselves, bring our own lives as an offering at the Altar of יהוה (a lamb without blemish), and then present ourselves properly to our Bridegroom on Shav’uot. We agree to the wedding vows (the Law); by saying “this we will do” or “I do” as they did at the foot of Mt. Sinai. It is a celebration of the giving of the Wedding Vows and our accepting them. Sha’ul expressed the way we are to present ourselves in following יהושע’s example of Mikvah, circumcision, and bringing an offering. Again we see the Plan of Salvation is a marriage covenant between the Messiah and the rest of the children of יהוה (not between יהוה and the rest of the children):
Ephesians 5 – Sha’ul likens the example יהושע set to marriage. Like I said, the feasts are a marriage celebration. We see below, Sha’ul teaches the example of Mikvah, circumcision, and offering.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah loved the assembly and gave himself up for her (as the Passover Lamb paying the dowry) 26 to set her apart (as his Bride), (ritually) cleansing her by the washing with water according to the commandments (of Mikvah), 27 and to present her (consecrated) to himself (with a circumcised heart) as a radiant assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish (as we offer our lives as living sacrifices), but holy/set apart and blameless (as the spotless Bride of יהושע).
* The Bridegroom going away to prepare a place for the Bride in his Father’s estate

Yochanan 14
Yיהושע says “2 “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so,
I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 “If I go and prepare a place for you (in my Father’s Estate), I will come again and receive you to myself (as my Bride), that where I am, there you may be (in marriage covenant with me) also. 4″ And you know the way (of Mikvah, Circumcision, and Offering to get to) where I am going.”
Here יהושע is speaking (in the Mystery Language), a parable and idiom confirming the wedding. יהושע goes and prepares a place for us in The Kingdom of יהוה. He is not referring to a physical place because we reign with him on Earth), he is referring to a place in the Family of יהוה. Yיהושע is going to perform the duties of High Priest and offer the proper gifts and sacrifices before the Throne of יהוה.

* The Bridegroom returning for his Bride – Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah. This is a portrait of the second coming of the Bridegroom to receive his Bride. This occurs on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), which is celebrated over a two-day period at the beginning of the 7th month. It is the only feast based on the timing of the new moon. Yom Teruah became known, therefore, by the idiom “the feast of which no man knows the day or hour”, because we don’t know the exact timing of the new moon. יהושע confirmed his return on the Feast of Trumpets when he used an idiom for this feast in
Matthew 24:36
“”But about that (Feast) day (of Trumpets) no one knows the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son of Man, but only the Father.”
Here יהושע was both confirming his return on the Feast of Trumpets, and the arranged marriage using another idiom “no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.” You see, the marriage was arranged by the Father unknown to the son.

* The Wedding – Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. This is the actual wedding day celebration. The Groom atones for himself and for his new Bride. Do not confuse this with paying the dowry on Passover, Yom Kippur is not when יהושע pays the penalty of our sin, it is when he marries his Bride and they become “one flesh” at that moment, or AT-ONE-MENT. This is when יהוה gives His wedding present to His family, the Universe, to govern as a team.
* The Wedding banquet – Sukkot or The Feast of Tabernacles. This feast is known as the Wedding Banquet as portrayed in Revelation 19 and was the meaning behind the Parable of the Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22.
Are you chosen? Then learn how the marriage of an earthly wedding should portray the heavenly wedding.

If you would like to go deeper in the study, please take a look at the following booklet from Kimberly Eady.

And Youtube video by Jim Staley on the soon coming Feast of Atonement or Yom Kippur:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jen D

    A glorious evening! Thank you !

    1. marcy.tittnich

      We were so happy you came to join us.

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